Some of the most valuable lessons and advice I’ve had have been from attending classes, conferences, and workshops. There are a lot of them out there, both in-person and online. So how do you know which one is right for you?
Here are some things to consider to determine whether you should spend your hard-earned cash or not.
- What are you looking for in a class? Be specific and honest about where you are. Do you have a completed manuscript and are wondering if it’s ready to submit? Or have you revised and polished it but don’t know the next steps to take to get it to a publisher? Or do you only have an idea and are not sure where to begin? Define where you are and what you want so you can include and exclude classes.
- Do your research. Review the course description and research the instructor to make sure the class is a good fit. Don’t be afraid to email the instructor or organization hosting the class to get more information.
- Be realistic about your time. Can you commit to an 8-week class or is a half-day workshop more realistic? Longer classes often involve work in between classes so make sure your schedule and your goals fit this format. Also, decide if an online course or in-person is more your style.
- Be prepared. Make sure you complete any prerequisites, pre-class reading or assignments before you attend. The more prepared you are, the more you will get out of the class.
- Have fun! Writing is hard, but it is also fun. Writing classes can be a great way to get your toe in the water and follow your dream, surround yourself with people who “get it,” learn new things or get validation for things you already know. Enjoy!
Check your local writers’ organizations, community education or college enrichment programs for classes in your area. You can also search online for classes you can take via distance learning. And If you’re in or around the Denver area, I’d love to see you in one of my classes! Check out my calendar on the Appearances page for more information.