It’s time to get my hopes up! Yes, I’m walking my talk (Get Your Hopes Up! 2/25/2016). Tuesday my agent sent out a new picture book manuscript to publishers and I’m so excited!If you read my February 25th post, you know that I’m a submission excitement junkie. I love when a manuscript goes out. All things are possible–instant interest! Bidding war (aka auction)! Bestseller down the line!–and I imagine all of them.

And if the manuscript starts to get passes? Oh, well. That’s part of what I signed up for when I chose to put my work out there. It won’t take away from how much I am still enjoying the giddy excitement I’ve been feeling.

It’s the same giddy excitement I had when the idea found me and I said Yes! to it.

The same giddy excitement I had when I was writing the story.

The same giddy excitement I had when feedback resonated in that goosebump kind of way it sometimes does.

The same giddy excitement I had when I was revising the story.

So basically, the act of creating makes me giddy, the act of putting it out there makes me giddy–the whole fabulous mysterious thing makes me giddy.

It comes down to the question Elizabeth Gilbert asks in Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear: “What do you love doing so much that the words failure and success essential become irrelevant?”

Answer: Writing. And everything that goes along with it.

Let’s boogie!