Because I’m doing so many things I love in addition to writing, I will often go more than a few days without working on my YA. I don’t like this because when I do get back to it, I’ve lost momentum and have to get it back by re-reading previous scenes, looking at my notes, etc.

One of the things that always nudges me is Microsoft Word’s Open Recent list. I know it’s been awhile when my novel is nowhere to be found in the Top 10:





In the above list, I see some documents for an upcoming school visit–awesome–a picture book manuscript, and docs for my Compelling Scenes Workshop on Saturday. But no novel. In fact, when I clicked More…, I had to scroll down to item #26 to find it. Ouch.

Note to self: Don’t judge, don’t beat yourself up for the ranking drop of your novel (not easy, but I try).

Novel Time Now

Today, in front of you and the Universe, I am committing to working on the novel every day (preferably first), even if it’s only for 15 minutes. Not only do I want to keep up the momentum and enjoy the process, but my next two books have moved from polite waiting to demanding that I pay attention to them so I guess I need to listen.

Novel Priority

I need to get over the idea that if something pays (critiques, author visits, teaching), it is more important than my novel. For all I know the book will command a big advance. But I’ll never find out if I don’t finish it and get it to my agent.  🙂

How are you are giving your writing the attention and priority it deserves?