Gloria Estefan’s song, “Coming Out of the Dark,” jumped into my mind yesterday, though curiously, I was singing “Coming Into the Light” to the tune of “Coming Out of the Dark.” I only saw my error when I went online to double-check the title.  🙂

I think the mind is a wondrous thing because I believe my “goof” was intentional, a way of spinning the idea positively, putting light front and center.

I am feeling better about the transitions, though our other daughter doesn’t leave until Saturday so I guess that will be the true test. No matter what, I have found myself more engaged in life, less like I was faking happiness and interest in the things and people around me sometimes.

I noticed this when I attended a gathering in Boulder to welcome, Sylvie Frank, an editor from Paula Wiseman/Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers who moved here from NYC. She’ll be speaking at the RMC-SCBWI Fall Letters & Lines Conference, btw–deadline to register is TOMORROW, September 9! The very air was alive with creative energy and I loved being among so many wonderful people.

I gave and received feedback in my picture book group yesterday and got that old excitement about revising my story to make it better.

Over the weekend we attended a concert with family and friends and hosted family for the holiday. Last night I had my Lighthouse Writers Workshop picture book class and the discussions were thoughtful, insightful and incredibly inspiring.

In each of these experiences, I felt myself come back to myself. Was it the experiences themselves? The people I was with? I think it was a combination of that and my own desire to bring positive, life-giving energy to myself and those around me, thereby attracting that to myself. I returned to a more regular meditation and prayer practice in the morning and at night, got back into yoga in the morning and am exercising more again. I believe that reconnection with Self has played a big part in the shift.

Life and moods ebb and flow; I’ll take this flow as long as it carries me!