Today is Picture Book Wednesday and we’re going to look at tattoos inspired by children’s books, most of them picture books for obvious, illustrative, reasons.

More than one member of my extended family has a tattoo, including my brother-in-law who has an Elvish phrase around his bicep. I always love hearing why someone selected a certain phrase or image to have permanently etched into their skin. So you can bet I found this post very intriguing. (FYI, I used a general tattoo image from stock.xchng because I couldn’t decide on a single image that was representative and also because the image is so beautiful and evocative.)

Amazing Tattoos Inspired by Children’s Books

The tattoos for Where the Wild Things Are by the late Maurice Sendak was particularly amazing. And when I did a search for “where the wild things are tattoo” on Google images, a lot more came up, including one that was full body down one side of a woman. Amazing.

I thought one of the cleverest was Waldo hiding behind an ear. Enjoy!

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