Ideas and ah ha momentsToday is Picture Book Wednesday!

I just had two amazing experiences last week. Both classes I taught- at University of Denver Enrichment Program and Lighthouse Writers – were filled with fabulous writers full of energy, passion, and excitement and I was so inspired by both!

I had to smile because before my class at Lighthouse, I was re-reading comments on a picture book w-i-p and then was reviewing my notes and PowerPoint for the class and had one of those “ah ha” moments that can send goosebumps running up and down your arms.

I had two comments that indicated my manuscript didn’t have enough meat and I knew I needed a stronger theme or something else that gave it some heft, that elusive something that made kids shout “Read it again!” and adults not mind doing it. My mind immediately started whirring with different ideas and I revised soon after.

My advice: Listen to your gut, your intuition, that “ah ha” feeling that tells you that you are on to something.