Number 1Today is Picture Book Wednesday and I wanted to take a quick peek at some of the bestseller lists and make some observations. They may or may not mean anything, but sometimes I like to check them out just for fun.

The New York Times bestseller list. With the release of her new book, Steam Train, Dream Train, Sherri Duskey Rinker and illustrator Tom Lichtenheld have two books on the list. Interestingly, this week their first book Good Night, Good Night, Construction Site is #1 and Train is #3.

Other observations: Author-illustrator Mo Willems has three different books on the list, and half the books are written by author-illustrators and half by authors with a different illustrator. Oh, and Rinker is the only female along with Caroline Kennedy.

I’m not judging, just noting. I try to read most, if not all, of the picture book bestsellers when I can, just to get a sense of what’s what. What about you? Do you read them? What are your thoughts?