Spring Renewal: Writers and Websites

March 30, 2017

“The only sense that is common in the long run is the sense of change—and we all instinctively avoid it.”

~ E. B. White

Change. That’s what life is all about, isn’t it? Our very bodies slough off cells and create new ones. We are different today than we were yesterday.

And so it also is with our writing, with our creating.

A few years after Click Here was published in 2005, I remember preparing to read a passage to a group of readers. As I skimmed through the paragraphs, I found myself cringing a bit, rewriting some of the sentences in my head. I had to remind myself that it was good enough to get published and it was a good book then–and still is if I do say so! And of course, the only reason I cringed was because I’d been practicing my craft since then, writing and getting better at it. Yay!

And change leads me to…

New Website and Blab-o-Denise Blog!

After months of planning, organizing and restructuring, the new site is live! I’m very excited to have a more streamlined look and an easier way to make changes. I’m in huge debt to my sister, Cheryl VegaRyan, who is my webmaster, moderator, and chief creative behind so many things on this site, including the wonderful curriculum guides and downloads she creates for my books. If you want a peek at her genius, check out the materials for my new picture book, If Your Monster Won’t Go to Bed, on the Educator page.

I’ll be talking more about change in the coming weeks. Tomorrow I head to Sacramento, CA to speak at the SCBWI North/Central CA 2017 Spring Spirit Conference. During my keynote, I’ll be addressing habits and change and how both impact our ability to have a (nearly) stress-free creative life.

Talk to you next week!