I’m happy to announce that my free e-book is finally available to subscribers to one or more of my Blab-o-Tips lists (which is different than subscribing to this Blab-o-Denise blog, which you can do in the right sidebar). Actually, the book has been ready for a few weeks, but I goofed on setting up my MailChimp campaigns so I held off announcing it until now 😉 .

My goal with the e-book is to provide encouragement and inspiration to writers, along with some tips on finding satisfaction on your writing journey. Sometimes it can be discouraging, especially if you’re working toward getting published; and even if you’ve already been published, sometimes it can be a while before you place your next book. We all need peeps in our lives who “get it.”

The Blab-o-Tips e-mails will focus on writing prompts, picture books, and middle grade/YA novels and you can sign up for one, two, or all three. When I have something timely to share about industry news, contests, or events of interest, you’ll hear about those too if you sign up.

This Blab-o-Denise blog will continue to focus on my journey and observations–a way for us to get to know each other better and support each other as well as (hopefully) provide you with info, encouragement, and a place to share your experiences, advice, and more.

I hope I see you here and through my Blab-o-Tips list(s)–let me know if you’d like more information or tips on any particular topic.

Next week, I’ll share thoughts on my revisions after having a call with my agent about those 24 pages of feedback!