Juggling the workAs a co-Regional Advisor for the Rocky Mountain Chapter of the Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators (SCBWI), we are constantly on the lookout for agents who represent picture book writers (not just writer-illustrators) because we have so many picture book writers. It can be challenging for an agent to take on writers of picture books because they are taking a cut of half the royalties (since the other half belongs to the illustrator).

But if you are a picture book writer looking for an agent, here are a few resources to check out:

Julie Hedlund’s “How I Got My Agent” series profiles picture authors and, in the case of author Linda Ashman, also her agent. This is a wonderful resource for learning about some agents.

Vonna Carter’s Conferences: Agents. A fabulous list of “who will be where” – agents for authors of picture books through young adult.

Writer’s Digest – Picture Book Agents. Various agents listed with links to interviews and more information, as well as articles related to picture books.
