by Denise Vega | July 17, 2014 | Writing Inspiration
I’m happy to announce that my free e-book is finally available to subscribers to one or more of my Blab-o-Tips lists (which is different than subscribing to this Blab-o-Denise blog, which you can do in the right sidebar). Actually, the book has been ready for a...
by Denise Vega | June 17, 2014 | Writing Inspiration
As I was considering a title for this post, I looked up the word “mull.” The first definition is “to grind or mix thoroughly; pulverize.” I found this fascinating. If I was mulling feedback as opposed to mulling over feedback, my approach would...
by Denise Vega | May 29, 2014 | Writing Inspiration
I can’t believe I haven’t posted since April 16 and yet I can because I’ve been going gangbusters working on final revisions for my novel and teaching a wonderful Middle Grade/YA class at Lighthouse Writers Workshop where we read and critiqued up to...
by Denise Vega | April 16, 2014 | Writing Inspiration
I don’t know how old some of you are, but Thursdays were bookmobile days at my school. And even though our school had a decent library (full of Judy Blume, Norma Fox Mazer, and Beverly Cleary) and my mom took us to the public library a lot, there was something...
by Denise Vega | March 31, 2014 | Writing Inspiration
As I continue with revising my contemporary realistic novel based on feedback from my group, I have started to explore Sheridan’s emotional life more carefully as it relates to her character growth. It occurred to me that her journey was much like mine was a...