Happy Happiness Day!

Happy Happiness Day!

Today is not only the first day of spring (woohoo!)–which brings with it (for me) hope, excitement, renewal, and infinite possibilities– but it’s also the International Day of Happiness. Let’s all take this day to bring happiness to ourselves...
Novel Critique: Organizing Group Feedback

Novel Critique: Organizing Group Feedback

On March 6 I talked about my best practices when it comes to receiving feedback during critique group discussions. Today I want to explain my process for pulling all of the comments together in a way that is useful to me and my famous pea brain :-). Keeping in mind...
Surviving Writer’s Group Feedback

Surviving Writer’s Group Feedback

On February 3 I wrote about sending my young adult novel (the one that took me about three years to write) off to my group. So last Friday we got together to discuss it. Now, this can be a daunting prospect because we have some very astute writers in the group and...
Writing Goals: One month check-in

Writing Goals: One month check-in

A month ago I wrote about my experience with a writing workshop about energizing our writing and setting some goals.  I’ve decided to do a check in on my blog to keep myself honest and to see where I need to make adjustments. After setting broad goals for 2014,...
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