Gratitude for Writing

Gratitude for Writing

Author, teacher, and expert Julie Hedlund had a wonderful tradition on her website that she called “Gratitude Sunday,” where she listed a variety of things she was/is grateful for (writing-related or not) and also included gratitude quotes. Right now...

Are YOU Ready for the Submission Process?

Last week I talked about sending out your manuscript too soon and in the classes I teach where we talk about submitting, I have a checklist that I share to help writers decide when their manuscripts are ready to send out and it’s something I use myself (though...

Sending Out a Manuscript Too Soon

Some of you may know that I’m part of the Wild Writers critique group and we rotate blogging about a variety of writing-related or other topics. On July 29, fellow Wild Writer Caroline Stutson blogged about sending manuscripts out before they are ready in Off It...
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