by Denise Vega | August 9, 2013 | Novels
Today we’ll be looking at The Language Inside by author Holly Thompson. Let’s look at what Holly does to hook us on the first page of this novel. The Page Aura third time it happens I’m crossing the bridge over a brown-green race of water that slides...
by Denise Vega | August 7, 2013 | Picture Books
In a recent interview with CNN, author-illustrator Mo Willems said something that really resonated with me: “Always think of your audience, but never think for your audience. What that means is to leave it open to interpretation.” I really like that. We...
by Denise Vega | August 2, 2013 | Writer Tips & Tools
I completely forgot to do my Writer’s Studio for July, so I wanted to make sure we had one for August! One of the most frequent comments writers see when an editor takes a pass on a picture book manuscript is something along the lines of “It’s not...
by Denise Vega | July 31, 2013 | Writing Inspiration
Today I’m off to LA for the 42nd annual SCBWI Summer Conference! In fact, depending on when you read this, I may be on the plane or already there. It starts Friday but as a Co-Regional Advisor, I’ve got some meetings and such to attend beforehand. The...
by Denise Vega | July 24, 2013 | Writer Tips & Tools
In all the craziness of my life, I forgot to write a blog for today (talk about practicing what I’m about to preach, she says sheepishly)! Last night I had such fun sitting on a panel with authors Pam Mingle and Donna Cooner to talk about YA lit. Our books were...