Writing Picture Books: How Tight is the Market?

One of the first things I tell students in my writing classes is that it’s not easy to get one published (even if you self-publish, which costs a lot of money, time and energy). The picture book market remains very tight with publishers being very selective...
Pushing Through Blocks and Resistance

Pushing Through Blocks and Resistance

Starting this week, I’m moving to blogging three days a week which means Wednesday may not always be about picture books. In fact, this week it’s not! With my life and career going through changes lately, I picked up a book I’d purchased several...
Retreating into Writing

Retreating into Writing

Instead of a prompt for JumpStart Monday, I want to share about my weekend. In fact, you’ll be seeing some changes on my blog, which I’m going to switch to three times a week so I can play around with some other things like Vine, InstaGram (yes,...
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