So today is my 53rd birthday. Yesterday I got feedback on a picture book manuscript from one group–great stuff, gang!–and tomorrow I get feedback on my YA novel from another group. So this day is sandwiched between some serious critique action.

Gift #1

Besides the wonderful feedback and camaraderie of my picture book group, one of my dear friends, Kim Tomsic, brought delicious French fries and cupcakes to our meeting yesterday. Does she know me or what?! Thank you, my darling. What a fun surprise!

Gift #2

My first gift to myself was to schedule a private singing bowl session with the fabulous Ann Martin of Mile High Healing Vibe – for next week since she was booked this week. If you have never had this experience, you are missing out! It’s one of the few things that quiets my crazy monkey mind. I’ll also be having lunch with most of my siblings next week. Can’t wait!

My hubby is taking me to dinner tonight, but my other treat to myself will be to do what I love–read and write and also bake my favorite cake for my group tomorrow.

Gift #3

Enthusiasm returning. I had a wonderful conversation with my agent yesterday about a picture book that has been revised a number of times. She had some really good ideas for one sticking point and our conversation really helped me focus. I found myself excited for the first time in weeks. I’ve been writing and revising, but haven’t had the same spark and enthusiasm for my projects that I used to have. I’ve given myself space, knowing that my grief was part of it. But yesterday I felt a shift and am appreciating it while it’s here.

Wishing you a wonderful Thursday!