Blab-o-Denise (aka Denise's blog)

My weekly blog about all things writerly--the joy, the pain, the unexpected and surprising
How Many Lightbulbs Does It Take To Make a Story?

How Many Lightbulbs Does It Take To Make a Story?

"...I slowly make up the story, and rewrite it several times, and each time I rewrite it, I get new ideas, and change the old ideas around. ~ Louis Sachar So this past weekend I rewrote one of my picture books for what felt like the zillionth time. Okay, that's an...

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Change Beliefs That Hold You Back

Change Beliefs That Hold You Back

"Believe you can and you're halfway there." ~ Theodore Roosevelt "Believe in yourself." Ack. What does that even mean? Give me specifics! That's what I hope to do today. One of the things I talked about at the Spring Spirit Conference in Sacramento this past weekend...

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Spring Renewal: Writers and Websites

Spring Renewal: Writers and Websites

"The only sense that is common in the long run is the sense of change---and we all instinctively avoid it." ~ E. B. White Change. That's what life is all about, isn't it? Our very bodies slough off cells and create new ones. We are different today than we were...

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Priority vs. To Do List

Priority vs. To Do List

I've been listening to Mel Robbins, speaker and author of The 5 Second Rule: Transform your Life, Work, and Confidence with Everyday Courage. No, it has nothing to do with picking food off the floor.  🙂 In one of her videos, she talks about creating a "priority"...

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Book Birthday!

Book Birthday!

Tuesday was the official release of my new picture book, If Your Monster Won't Go to Bed! Such a magical day, with lots of well-wishers and excitement. I felt so, so grateful to be part of such an amazing community---of writers, friends, and family---each a part of...

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Stories as Support

Stories as Support

If you subscribe to my e-newsletter, you received a link to an article on Tuesday. The article covered a Children's Book Council panel talking about trends in children's books, but also what some booksellers and librarians are hearing in terms of what...

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Busting an Idea Wide Open

Busting an Idea Wide Open

So back in 2015 I had an idea for a picture book that I thought was brilliant. Let's call it PB1. I worked on various revisions, got feedback, revised some more, sent it to my agent, got more feedback and then...we agreed it was ready to submit. We got a lot of...

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Writer Back from Paradise: Tips for Re-entry

Writer Back from Paradise: Tips for Re-entry

I had every intention of writing a post last Thursday. After all, we returned late Tuesday night and I had Wednesday to do it. Ha. Between sleep deprivation, the time change, and a mountain of other things, I completely forgot---in spite of the reminder that pops up...

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Writer in Paradise: The Sailing Writer

Writer in Paradise: The Sailing Writer

This post will be short and sweet because we got on a catamaran on Tuesday and are sailing around the British Virgin Islands! It's possible I would have wifi on the boat, but I didn't want to count on that so I wrote this the night before--on Monday, February 6.  I...

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Writer in Paradise: Adjusted Expectations

Writer in Paradise: Adjusted Expectations

So yes. I had to adjust my expectations during my "big week" of writing/revising the NaNoWriMo novel. This was one of the few times I had 8+ hours a day to work on a book and I envisioned myself cranking through the hard copy, making notes to myself and finishing in a...

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