Blab-o-Denise (aka Denise's blog)

My weekly blog about all things writerly--the joy, the pain, the unexpected and surprising
Writer in Paradise: The Novel!

Writer in Paradise: The Novel!

This has been my big week for writing/revising my NaNoWriMo noel. My husband is taking sailing lessons so I've had since Saturday to work--with a little play thrown in. The video I've included here is my view out the back of the apartment we are renting. Earlier this...

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Writer in Paradise: Playing with Poetry

Writer in Paradise: Playing with Poetry

So some of you may know that my husband and I have been planning a trip to the Caribbean for some time. We've been before, but our dream has been to go for at least a month--and here we are!  This means my posts may be a little sporadic for the next four weeks. Some...

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Evaluating Readers for Feedback

Evaluating Readers for Feedback

If it weren't for many tireless and generous readers of my work---authors, editors and agents---who gave me thoughtful, helpful feedback, I know I wouldn't have seen such improvement in my craft. But choosing who will read my work is a task I take very seriously....

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Happy 2017!

Happy 2017!

"Goals are dreams with deadlines." ~Diana Scharf Hunt  The new year. This one has a different feel to it, but I'm not interested in delving into the political realm here. Here, I want to focus on what a new year can mean for our careers. Right now I'm working on a...

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2016 in Review

2016 in Review

Unlike 2015, I'm posting this at the end of December because I want to dive into the excitement of a new year the first part of January. 🙂 If you've been with me for a while, you know I do goal/intention setting with one of my critique groups and I write about it...

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Write Fast, Write Slow…Just Write!

Write Fast, Write Slow…Just Write!

Argh. For some reason my post didn't publish yesterday as schedule! So here it is... One of the biggest challenges I now face is keeping up with the writing practice I developed during NaNoWriMo. Beyond whether I'm a fast writer or a slow writer is the question of my...

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Staying in the NaNo Groove

Staying in the NaNo Groove

    I'm still flying high from participating in NaNoWriMo, and find myself working on the book almost every day since writing every day feels more like a habit now. To keep it going, I have to continue to:     Create a new deadline. My next goal is...

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My First NaNoWriMo: Last Day!

My First NaNoWriMo: Last Day!

  NaNo Joy! I feel absolutely exhilarated for so many reasons. My biggest takeaways from this experience was completely obliterating a few beliefs I held about myself as a writer.   Belief #1: I'm a slow writer. Wrong! Totally false! I can write like the...

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My First NaNoWriMo: Week 4

My First NaNoWriMo: Week 4

    Happy Thanksgiving! I hope you are enjoying your family and friends today. I'm so thankful for so much--family, friends, and an opportunity to keep writing. Check it out! I surpassed 50,000 words on Saturday, November 19!     I am astonished....

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My First NaNoWriMo: Week 3

My First NaNoWriMo: Week 3

  So, this was an interesting week. It was still a lot of fun, but I definitely had days when I thought to myself: "I don't feel like writing today." Even though I had my killer outline and plenty of scenes I could write, I didn't want to. "Why not?" the voice...

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