Novel Detours

Novel Detours

So a couple of weeks ago I was working away on revisions for FADE AWAY and needed to think about the motivation behind a current scene. As I thought about it, the motivation began to take shape, to become a scene in and of itself. So I started to write the scene and...
Revision Phobia: Letting Go

Revision Phobia: Letting Go

I always tell people how much I love revision and I do. I love that I have something to work with. I love all the new ideas and possibilities for the story. It’s exciting and invigorating. But now that I’m in it, here’s what I know about revision: It...

First Page Friday: Finn Finnegan by Darby Karchut

Today we’ll be looking at Finn Finnegan by author Darby Karchut. Let’s look at what Darby does to hook us on the first page of this novel. The Page “Son of a goat!” The boy swore and jumped back.  A second squirt of bird poop landed with a...