by Denise Vega | September 4, 2013 | Picture Books, Writer Tips & Tools
I’m always so pleased with the generosity of fellow authors who share their process. Today I’m happy to spread that generosity. Author Linda Ashman provides an amazing look at one of her recent books, Rain, pictures by Christian Robinson. (I used her book,...
by Denise Vega | August 30, 2013 | Writer Tips & Tools
I’ve attended a lot of writer’s conferences and many of them have First Pages or Read-and-Critique sessions where you bring a page or two of a manuscript and it is read and critiqued on the spot by an author, editor, or agent or sometimes a combination....
by Denise Vega | August 21, 2013 | Writer Tips & Tools
Last week I talked about sending out your manuscript too soon and in the classes I teach where we talk about submitting, I have a checklist that I share to help writers decide when their manuscripts are ready to send out and it’s something I use myself (though...
by Denise Vega | August 14, 2013 | Writer Tips & Tools
Some of you may know that I’m part of the Wild Writers critique group and we rotate blogging about a variety of writing-related or other topics. On July 29, fellow Wild Writer Caroline Stutson blogged about sending manuscripts out before they are ready in Off It...
by Denise Vega | August 2, 2013 | Writer Tips & Tools
I completely forgot to do my Writer’s Studio for July, so I wanted to make sure we had one for August! One of the most frequent comments writers see when an editor takes a pass on a picture book manuscript is something along the lines of “It’s not...
by Denise Vega | July 24, 2013 | Writer Tips & Tools
In all the craziness of my life, I forgot to write a blog for today (talk about practicing what I’m about to preach, she says sheepishly)! Last night I had such fun sitting on a panel with authors Pam Mingle and Donna Cooner to talk about YA lit. Our books were...