My First NaNoWriMo: Week 2

My First NaNoWriMo: Week 2

    Wow. I am having so much fun with this NaNoWriMo thing! Following are some of my observations and experiences.     So after hanging to with the gang last Tuesday and doing some timed writing bursts really got me fired up. So I kept going with...
My First NaNoWriMo: Week 1

My First NaNoWriMo: Week 1

  The closer Nov 1 approached, the more anxious and excited I became. Below you’ll see and read about some of my final preparations  as well as how my first two days went. (I’m scheduling these posts the night before so they go out at the same time...
New Book, New Approach IV: Final NaNo Prep

New Book, New Approach IV: Final NaNo Prep

So here I am, facing down NaNo in just five short days. I completed my plot outline, the structure of which I share below, and am going to be fleshing it out a bit more so I feel ready to jump in on November 1. Last week I shared the tools I was using to create an...
New Book, New Approach I: Character

New Book, New Approach I: Character

Even though I’ve published four novels, I did not do any kind of pre-planning when I wrote them. I just got the idea and dove in, stalling, restarting, taking long detours as I figured out the story and my characters. I may still do a lot of wandering with this...