2016 SCBWI LA: Hope

2016 SCBWI LA: Hope

This is the second installment of brief insights and observations from the 2016 SCBWI LA Conference that was held July 29-31. Look for specific, but perennial, tips in my Blab-o-Tips newsletter! At lunch at the conference friend and I were talking about how...
2016 SCBWI LA: Community

2016 SCBWI LA: Community

In the next few weeks, I’ll be sharing some insights and observations from the 2016 SCBWI LA Conference that was held July 29-31. I will also be sharing any specific, but perennial, tips through my Blab-o-Tips newsletter so if you aren’t subscribed to...
Get Out of the Harbor!

Get Out of the Harbor!

“A ship is safe in harbor, but that’s not what ships are built for.” —John A. Shedd I like the security of the known, of the familiar, and yet the times when I’ve grown most as a person and a writer are those times when I’ve stepped away from the unknown,...
Slow and Steady

Slow and Steady

  It’s been three weeks since I’ve posted and it’s mostly because I’ve been working on my YA–yay! Slow and steady progress. This video is of me cleaning our pool. To pick up as much debris as possible, I have to push the vacuum very...
Workshop Notes Overload!

Workshop Notes Overload!

In addition to having the privilege of teaching at Lit Fest for Lighthouse Writers Workshop, I also had the pleasure of attending two craft seminars–more on the fabulous content of those in a future post. Today I want to talk about notes: the taking of them, the...
Half Year Check In

Half Year Check In

If you’ve been following my blog for awhile, you know that in my critique group, the Wild Writers, we do resolution/goal/intention setting every year in January. We have a nice ritual of releasing writing-related thoughts, activities etc that no longer serve us,...