Being a Writer is as Hard as We Make It

Being a Writer is as Hard as We Make It

Last year, during a lunch break for a class I was teaching, I was chatting with a writer and friend I’ve known for many years. At one point, she said, “Being a writer is hard.” I immediately agreed, and then we were interrupted before we could finish...
Busy Work or Writing?

Busy Work or Writing?

Happy St. Patrick’s Day! Recently I was listening to an audiobook and one question really struck me: “Are you telling yourself you’re working hard, but you’re mostly doing busy work, avoiding the difficult stuff?” Eek. Yes, there are some things we...
Submission Boogie

Submission Boogie

It’s time to get my hopes up! Yes, I’m walking my talk (Get Your Hopes Up! 2/25/2016). Tuesday my agent sent out a new picture book manuscript to publishers and I’m so excited!If you read my February 25th post, you know that I’m a submission...
Critique Groups: Collective Genius

Critique Groups: Collective Genius

I currently belong to three critique groups: one for novels and two for picture books (one in-person and one online). Yesterday I met with my in-person group to go over a manuscript that came to me a few months back. My online PB group had given me feedback, I’d...
Get Your Hopes Up!

Get Your Hopes Up!

How many of us have said ourselves or heard someone say, “I’m not getting my hopes up.” I used to say this a lot. Now I don’t. Now I ask, “Why not?” and I say “I’m getting my hopes up.” Here’s why. What...