Two Stories in One!

Two Stories in One!

I’m not sure what my deal is, but I seem to have this propensity to write two stories in one. I’ve done it with two novels—Rock On and my current w-i-p—and now I’ve done it with a picture book manuscript. With the novels, both my critique...
Claim Your (Writing) Power

Claim Your (Writing) Power

“The most common way people give up their power is by thinking they don’t have any.” – Alice Walker Anybody besides me finding incredible power in that statement? Holy moly. Writer Power! Here’s where I see our power: Writing the best story...
The Brilliance of Brainstorming

The Brilliance of Brainstorming

I’m in love with brainstorming. Especially with other peeps. For me, it’s often the brilliance of brainstorming that gets me back on my creativity track. I had two experiences of the brilliance of brainstorming yesterday—I feel so lucky! Group Genius...
Dare to Be Uncomfortable

Dare to Be Uncomfortable

“The only time you can actually grow is when you are outside your comfort zone.” ! T. Harv Eker I don’t like to be uncomfortable. I don’t know anyone who does. But I’ve discovered that discomfort is not only where the growth is,...
Regis U Mile High MFA…Flying!

Regis U Mile High MFA…Flying!

I just finished participating and teaching in the very first residency for the Regis University Mile High MFA in Creative Writing. It was AMAZING and here’s why.The students had morning workshops and then in the afternoon there were craft sessions, social hour,...