Thanksgiving: Memories and Gratitude

Thanksgiving: Memories and Gratitude

Thanksgiving is a big deal in our family. We have the whole food thing going, which includes omnivores, vegetarian, dairy-free and gluten-free so it’s a culinary challenge that we all rise to. We have “traveling” bins containing plates, dishes,...
Putting Your Heart in Your Book

Putting Your Heart in Your Book

Last week I broke down in my therapist’s office, overwhelmed with missing my mom. I’d been feeling out of sorts since I’d hit that wall I talked about last week—apathetic, even as I forged onward, going through the motions of my tasks each day,...
Hitting the Writing Wall

Hitting the Writing Wall

Last week I went to a book reading and signing for Ellen Hopkins’ new book, Traffick, the sequel to Tricks (love you, Ellen! xo). Someone in the audience asked her what she does when she’s blocked and she said she doesn’t get blocked too often, but...
Revision vs. Rewrite

Revision vs. Rewrite

With most of my novels, I call it revising, but it’s really rewriting. Revision vs. Rewrite. What’s the difference and why do I care? Revision For me, revising is when I’m reworking scenes and maybe even adding and deleting some scenes, but the...
Picture Book Idea Month-One Year Later

Picture Book Idea Month-One Year Later

Last November I decided to participate in PiBoIdMo (Picture Book Idea Month), a fun project started by author Tara Lazar. I’m going to do it again this year, but I thought I’d share what I did with my calendar of ideas. One Completed Manuscript One of the...
Do You REALLY Want to Keep Doing That?

Do You REALLY Want to Keep Doing That?

Last week I wrote about having to let go of things I loved doing so I could create time and space for more writing. And in the past I’ve written about “have to” versus “get to”. But this is an ongoing challenge for me, so I want to come...