Are You a Perfectionist Writer?

Are You a Perfectionist Writer?

Yep. I am. And a perfectionist in general. And it’s a real pain in the butt when it comes to reaching my goals. Signs You May Be a Perfectionist Writer Do any of these traits sound like you? Note how many do, just for kicks. You set unrealistic expectations for...
You CAN Submit Your Book Professionally

You CAN Submit Your Book Professionally

Information Overwhelm I have a very distinct memory of the first RMC-SCBWI conference I attended over 25 years ago. I was scared, nervous and convinced everyone was published except me—not only that, but everyone knew I wasn’t published, like there was...
It’s All About the Love

It’s All About the Love

It’s all about the love when it comes to the SCBWI conferences and boy was there a lot to go around in Los Angeles this past weekend! For some great session and keynote details, check out the official SCBWI blog and 2015 SCBWI LA Twitter Highlights #LA15SCBWI....
Inspiration Junkie

Inspiration Junkie

It’s true. I’m an inspiration junkie. I love listening to speakers who say things that give me goosebumps or fire me up about my purpose as a writer. I love leaving a talk feeling like I can do anything and be the kind of writer I’ve always wanted to...
Word Shifts, Attitude Shifts

Word Shifts, Attitude Shifts

So, we’re past the halfway point of 2015—can you believe it? I can’t. In January I wrote about intentions vs goals and set my intention for the year: “I intend to immerse myself in the creative process, enjoying each step—even the ones...