Click Here Book Launch Video

Click Here Book Launch Video

Well, better late than never! I had planned to get this up last month during Click Here’s birthday month, but alas, it didn’t happen. The video is a nice overview of a longer event–I got a kick out of seeing my daughter and one of her friends...
Novel Rewrite Completed!

Novel Rewrite Completed!

I’ve missed posting the last two weeks because I’ve been deep into rewrites and revisions, immersed in the story and characters, in a  race to get it to my agent so she has time to read it and send comments before she goes on maternity leave. Nothing like...
Happy Birthday, Click Here!

Happy Birthday, Click Here!

In 2002, I finished a novel that I absolutely loved and turned it into my critique group. It had started out as a 13-chapter middle school book called My Own Two Feet and morphed into a 31-chapter book (yes, 13 transposed!) called Click Here (to find out how i...