Out on a Limb Creatively

Out on a Limb Creatively

Without vulnerability, you cannot create. – Brené Brown I took that picture through the screen of a window in my meditation room, just after finishing Day 9 of the 21-Day “Manifesting True Success” Meditation Experience. Deepak Chopra had just been...
Glorious Gratitude

Glorious Gratitude

The picture in my featured image is one I took earlier this week on a run/jog on the High Line Canal Trail that runs through a few counties and has some awesome views, as you can see. It feels like my days have been non-stop action so it was wonderful to take time on...
Working Through a Negative Emotion

Working Through a Negative Emotion

“Let everything happen to you – Beauty and terror – Just keep going. No feeling is final.” ― Rainer Maria Rilke I can’t get over this quote. How often have I been stuck in a negative emotion, unable to see past it; believing I would always feel that...
Enjoy the Writing Process

Enjoy the Writing Process

I know I’ve said this before over the years, but for some reason I’m really aware of the steps these days. For example, the other day I took time to get my writing space clear the night before I planned to write. As I looked around the space and thought...
Telling the Inner Critic to SHUT UP

Telling the Inner Critic to SHUT UP

Recently I was reading three financial tips from Tony Robbins and they really resonated in all areas of my life. I reworded the first one so it fit my writing and career a little better: What do you tend to focus on more— what you’ve accomplished or what...
Write Here! Write Now!

Write Here! Write Now!

I used to be one of those people who was convinced I needed a big block of time—at least two hours—before I could really write, especially when I was working on a novel because it seemed like I needed at least thirty minutes to remind myself where I was in...