Intentions vs Goals

Intentions vs Goals

Happy New Year! Those who have been following my blog for awhile know that I’m a big goal setter. This year I will be attending, once again, a goal-setting workshop for writers at Lighthouse Writers Workshop in Denver. You can read about my impressions of last...
Slow Down, Recharge

Slow Down, Recharge

As winter takes hold, the familiar desire to cocoon envelopes me. I like nothing better than to curl up with some hot chocolate or tea (I don’t drink coffee, but love the smell) and either read or write. There’s something about that whole winter...
Cancer and Creativity

Cancer and Creativity

I have held off talking about my mom’s cancer because I wasn’t sure what I wanted to say and why I might want to say anything at all on a blog where the content has been 99% about writing. But then I realized that (a) her cancer is affecting my writing in...
PiBoIdMo–the results are in!

PiBoIdMo–the results are in!

Coming up with thirty ideas was fun and challenging. I caught a cold toward the end so I missed three days, but made them up later. Here’s what I learned or confirmed: LEARNED: I can get into a flow of ideas when I brainstorm. I started with an object,...
I’m Grateful for You!

I’m Grateful for You!

Today I want to let you know that I appreciate you! Whenever I write a post, I think about you. Thank you for reading my posts, for commenting occasionally, and most of all, for being on this journey with me. It’s comforting to know you are out there, doing the...