The Spirituality of Writing

The Spirituality of Writing

That just may be the title of a new book I want to write! 🙂 As many of you know I’ve been growing and changing and am becoming more aware of what motivates me to write and a recent conversation made me start to ponder the connection between spirituality and...
At the Core of Our Resolutions

At the Core of Our Resolutions

Back in July, I wrote about digging a little deeper when it comes to why we write. Goal setting is great and I thrive on it (I love checking off tasks and gaining that sense of accomplishment), but it has been amazing how answering deeper questions about why I write...
6 Tips for Goal Setting

6 Tips for Goal Setting

Note: This is a revised version of my post from Dec 31, 2012 because it’s worth repeating! If you’re like me, you start the new year bright-eyed and optimistic that this is the year you will write faster, smarter, better, more, etc. And as the year wears on, you...
“How To” Ideas Needed!

“How To” Ideas Needed!

Okay, so you may have noticed that my blog is less frequent on the new site. That’s mostly because I’m working hard on lots of other things, like the free e-book you’ll get if you sign up for one of my newsletters, the work-in-progress novel, class...