Claiming Your Creativity

Claiming Your Creativity

In my ongoing quest to pursue what I love with joy unhindered by fear, I continue to read, listen to, and watch inspirational and wise people in our world. I happened to record Brene’ Brown on Opray’s Super Soul Sunday and watched it this past Sunday. Lots...
Gratitude Wednesday

Gratitude Wednesday

Every since I talked about gratitude in a post last month, I’ve been trying to add gratitude to my daily routine, usually at night, noting things that happened, people I met, or things I encountered for which I am grateful. I am also trying to start each day...
Clearing My Writing Space

Clearing My Writing Space

A few weeks ago I started yet another round of cleaning out my writing space–going through files, recycling paper, sorting supplies, and giving away or tossing what I no longer needed. Shortly after I began, I spoke to my dear friend (see photo at left), Ann...
Friday Focus: Trusting Myself as a Writer

Friday Focus: Trusting Myself as a Writer

So previously the Friday Focus was “Trust Your Writer’s Instinct” and I talked about how I had gotten to a point writing my novel where I needed to print out the pages I had and get a sense of the bigger picture. It was a 300+-pages mess, but a beautiful...

Relax on Labor Day!

Let’s all take a break, appreciate those who are working at the places we visit–coffee shop, grocery store, restaurant, etc–and do things that will help refill our creative well. Relax, enjoy and get ready to jump back into your writing...
Gratitude for Writing

Gratitude for Writing

Author, teacher, and expert Julie Hedlund had a wonderful tradition on her website that she called “Gratitude Sunday,” where she listed a variety of things she was/is grateful for (writing-related or not) and also included gratitude quotes. Right now...