Retreating into Writing

Retreating into Writing

Instead of a prompt for JumpStart Monday, I want to share about my weekend. In fact, you’ll be seeing some changes on my blog, which I’m going to switch to three times a week so I can play around with some other things like Vine, InstaGram (yes,...

Post-prompt: Identifying Theme

Yesterday I suggested we take a broader look at our stories and identify the main theme. I usually have a sense of my theme before I start a novel; with picture books it often comes after I’ve written the first draft. The theme for my work-in-progress is that we...
Writing on Vacation

Writing on Vacation

  Writing on vacation always sounds like something I can do. I love to write and I love to be on vacation. I always think that being relaxed and having fun will free my mind to work on my stories. And that’s true. I do find myself less stressed and my mind...

Post-prompt: writing prompt

Yesterday we had a prompt based on the ocean since I was still in Hawaii. Here’s my take: The waves lapped around his ankles. Looking through the water, he saw something bright, shiny. It glinted in the sun, round like a coin. He reached in and tried to grab it...
Visual Inspiration

Visual Inspiration

So you’ll think I’m crazy actually writing a blog post when that’s the view I can see from our hotel balcony in Kaua’i. But I’m dedicated. Ha! Actually, I ran out of time to write and schedule all of the posts in advance before I left so...