Friday Focus: Progress Check in

Friday Focus: Progress Check in

So back in January I set up my 2013 Writing Goals and for the first time ever, tried to set goals that I could actually meet. I’ve actually completed goals 1 and 2 and am focused on #3, where I am trying an experiment. I’m using Blake Snyder’s Save...

Post-prompt: writing prompt

Yesterday’s prompt was: The letter was on the table. Gregory couldn’t take his eyes off of it. He… Here’s what I came up with: The letter was on the table. Gregory couldn’t take his eyes off of it. He took a step toward it, then stopped,...

Post-prompt: where did I leave off?

Yesterday’s exercise was to help us get mentally prepared by thinking about where we left off on our manuscript and deciding where we wanted to go from there. I decided to focus on the novel, because I did a lot of work on it over the weekend and want to keep up the...

Post-prompt: picture book prompt

Yesterday’s prompt was : Cassandra wasn’t your normal, average bear. No, she… Here’s what I came up with: Cassandra wasn’t your normal, average  bear. No, she was not. For one thing, she was small (like a mouse). And hard (not stuffed). And...