Writerly Procrastination part 2

Writerly Procrastination part 2

Last week I talked about my segue into procrastination. This week I’ll give you a few reasons why I think this is the case. Fear of the unknown. I usually don’t plan or outline my books but even when I do, there’s still that blank page or computer...

Post-prompt: rewriting a bad line

Yesterday’s prompt was : She looked around, then wondered what she was seeing because she couldn’t quite understand it. Here’s what I came up with: She looked around, blinking in the sudden darkness. Three pinpricks of light winked and...
Writerly Procrastination part 2

Writerly Procrastination part 1

So back on November 1, I wrote a bit of a parody on NaNoWriMo called NaNoWriPro. Today I want to explore the phenomenon of procrastination a bit more seriously because I’m the Queen of Procrastination. I always knew I was a bit addicted to e-mail and the...

Post-prompt: prompt about setting

Yesterday’s prompt was : Even in summer, the front yard… Here’s what I came up with: Even in summer, the front yard was barren, the grass brown and flat, the few bushes near the house producing only a few green leaves, not enough to signal there was any...