Find Inspiration

This Thursday I’m sharing another really great quote. This is a reality for me, for sure, but sometimes I get lazy and if I don’t feel inspired or excited about my book on a particular day, I often procrastinate, as if checking my email or surfing the...
Tattoos Inspired by Children’s Books

Tattoos Inspired by Children’s Books

Today is Picture Book Wednesday and we’re going to look at tattoos inspired by children’s books, most of them picture books for obvious, illustrative, reasons. More than one member of my extended family has a tattoo, including my brother-in-law who has an...

Write a Story You Want to Read

This Thursday I’m sharing another quote I love. Sometimes I lose sight of this when I get author envy (see part 1 and part 2 on this topic) or wish I had written a book on the bestseller list. But truly, if you writing a story you’d like to read,...

Post-prompt: Knowing Our Character Part 2

Yesterday we wrote a follow-up scene that was either the character being approached or confronted by someone after the meeting/assembly is over. We want to know what happens. Here’s my scene: Emma’s friends surrounded her in the hallway, as if she’d...

We Need Stories

The next few Thursdays I want to highlight some quotes I love – either because they inspire me, or speak directly to me about a particular truth. I hope you find meaning in them too. “After nourishment, shelter and companionship, stories are the thing we need...