Post-prompt: Knowing Our Character Part 1

Yesterday we place a character in a scenario to see how s/he would behave. I thought about my main character, but decided that was too easy because I know her really well. I was curious to see what would happen with a different character, so I chose a secondary...

Post-prompt: Picture Prompt (shoe)

Yesterday’s prompt was the above picture. The title of it was “Abandoned Shoe,” but I thought it would be more interesting if it was left there on purpose. Here’s my take: It felt a little like leaving breadcrumbs, except there was only one and...
Dealing with Author Envy part 2

Dealing with Author Envy part 2

So yesterday I talked about my own bouts with author envy and how it can really bring me down. Now, for my own sanity and happiness, I want to look at some ways of dealing with it and getting through it. Focus on What You Love The first thing I did was go back to when...
Dealing with Author Envy part 1

Dealing with Author Envy part 1

“Of all the voices you’ll hear on KFKD, the most difficult to subdue may be that of jealousy.” — Anne Lamott, Bird by Bird (See p. 116 of Bird by Bird for an explanation of radio station KFKD). Anne Lamott devoted an entire chapter to the subject of...

Post-prompt: Writing from a prompt

Yesterday’s prompt: If only she hadn’t… Here’s my take: If only she hadn’t said yes to Connor. She’d thought no one else would ask her to the dance, especially Jake, the one guy she’d been crushing on all year. But then he had...
My 2013 Writing Resolutions

My 2013 Writing Resolutions

Happy new year! If you read my post yesterday, you know that not only did I promise to post my goals, but I also mentioned that during the writing of my #4 tip, I actually went back and removed a goal from my list. Things always seem to happen during the course of a...