Happy Thanksgiving!

No writing tips or writing tools today. I am spending the day with my extended family, happy that our son, Zach, is home from college for a few days! I am grateful for my family, my friends, my health, and stories. Enjoy your day…

Blogging About Picture Books

Since most of my blogs about writing have focused on novels, I decided I wanted to start dedicating one day a week to picture books, especially because I continue to work hard to get better at writing them and this way I can work on techniques and ideas and hopefully...

Post-prompt: Character Reactions

Yesterday the prompt was to to finish a scene to show a character’s reaction. Here are my results: The man came around the corner, nearly bumping into Sheridan. Without so much as a glance in her direction, he strode on. Now she had proof. She was invisible. And...

Music and Movies

We’re in Los Angeles today to visit our son and experience Trojan Family Weekend. MUSIC – The Billboard Mexican Music Awards As we made our way to USC in the afternoon, some streets were blocked off because the Billboard Mexican Music Awards were going on...

Split Personality: Bruin as Trojan Parent

So tomorrow we leave for LA to see our son at USC and experience Trojan Family weekend. Over the summer, Zach and I attended a wonderful session sponsored by the local USC Alumni Association to help both new students and parents know what to expect. There were a few...