Welcome to my blog!

Today: My First Official Blog I’m sure all of two people will read this today (well, maybe more if most of my family and my critique group checks it out under duress), but it’s an exciting day for me to have moved my site to WordPress and to actually keep...

Acceptances and New Book

So ROCK ON will be published by Little, Brown, the same folks who published CLICK HERE and ACCESS DENIED! I just found out on Thursday and I’m really excited. But it will be awhile before it comes out so hopefully it will be worth the wait for everyone. In the...

Running and Writing

So my hubby and youngest ran in the Cherry Creek Sneak (5K) and it was great exercise and a gorgeous day. Our other two kids begged off to sleep in – ah, the teen years. I did start my new book – as yet untitled – and have written two whole chapters. But I really like...

The Switch is on

It’s official. I’ve switched books. The nudging one won out and I’m now doing my brainstorming using my little worksheet/guide. It’s too soon to say anything about it, but the one I talked about before that has two other companion books, I’ll write those next. This...

Switching Books…maybe

So while I wait to hear about ROCK ON, I’ve been working on my Grand Experiment – using a worksheet/guideline sheet to help me figure out some of the main points of my next book before I start writing. Well, I did that for over a month, brainstorming and such, then I...

Finish Line Crossed!

Okay, so it’s sad that I didn’t even have a happy new year blab here. I’m just so totally lame. BUT, I can report that I did, indeed, finish my book at the very end of October, got feedback from some folks, and spent two months revising (December was kind of a wash...