Veteran’s Day and Book Reports

Today I am very mindful of all the service men and women who continue to fight and who have fought in the past. It’s very humbling to think about the sacrifices people make to keep us and others safe. As far as book reports, I’m reporting the completion of ROCK ON!...

Snow Days and Finish Lines

This is the second snow day for the kids – it just keeps coming down! It’s beautiful and fun to be home and cozy. I feel very grateful that our power is on, we have food to eat, and family around. Yes, that Finish Line in the heading means I’ve reached it with my new...

Still Writing the Book

Well, I haven’t written the last chapter, but I’ve written the big climax scene. I wrote it on the RMC-SCBWI summer retreat and it’s smokin’. Now I’m writing all the scenes that lead up to the climax. And I have a decent idea of the final scene of the book, so that’s...

Awards and Writing

It’s repeat time – I still haven’t written the last chapter for my new novel. BUT I do have a good excuse (is there such a thing as a good excuse?). My excuse is that I’m not sure which story line will become stronger – the brother story or the girlfriend story...

Work-in-Progress Progress

Would you look at that…I actually am adding another post this month! It’s a miracle! Okay, let’s see what else I said I’d do in the March 8 entry. Hm. I have NOT written the last chapter or last scene of my current work-in-progress. Bad girl. Here are my lame excuses:...

New Book is Progressing

Okay, so I’ve already blown the 2009 resolution I made in my January entry. Bad Denise! But at least it wasn’t three or four months going by, which I know has happened in the past. So, to continue the absolutely fascinating saga of the progress (or not) that I’m...