Beginning at the End

As I scrambled to finish my new young adult manuscript before my next critique group meeting, I felt like I was a little lost. I thought it was because I could write these certain scenes because I didn’t have all the information I needed from the police officers and...

Websites & Writing

So it’s 75 degrees here in Denver today. Beautiful sunny day but I can’t let it fool me. It was 80 on Tuesday and snowed on Wednesday—that’s Colorado weather for you. I’ve been spending a ton of time on my new website, and I’ve also been working this week on...


I’m what’s called a Co-Regional Advisor for the Rocky Mountain Chapter of the Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators (RMC-SCBWI). We had our first Spring Workshop yesterday at a new venue and it was really wonderful. I loved being surrounded by so much...

A New Leaf (I hope)

With the launch of my totally new and improved website, I thought I’d better write at least one more entry. Let’s see. I’m still working on that YA novel from the boy’s POV and it’s going along really well. I’m having lots of fun with the characters and the story. At...

Happy New Year!

2007 was a very busy year, with three books coming out in 2008: FACT OF LIFE #31 in May, BUILD A BURRITO in the fall, and GRANDMOTHER, HAVE THE ANGELS COME? next winter. I’m also working on a brand-new young adult novel told from a boy’s point of view,...

The Sequel is STILL not finished!

I have to be the worst online journaler in the history of online journaling and blogging! My last entry was months ago–sheesh. I am in complete awe of those who have a life AND keep up with their blogs because I am incapable of it obviously. My life has been...