Sadness and Joy

Life continues to be filled with ups and downs, joy and sorrow. Last week we had to put our nine and a half year old chocolate lab to sleep. She had had pretty bad arthritis and then broke her leg on New Year’s day, which is when we discovered she had bone...

Just in Time

I got the unsequel out to my critique group just in time. My editor for FACT OF LIFE #31 called this week to say they are sending out the editorial comments. Wow, that was fast. I haven’t gotten them yet, though, because we’ve been completely SNOWED in....

CLICK HERE Unsequel Finished!

I finished the unsequel to CLICK HERE today and it’s now off to my critique group for review. I’m in the honeymoon phase right so of course I think it’s wonderful. In a few days, I’ll start feeling embarrassed that I sent out such a piece of...

Catching Up

CLICK HERE actually WON the Colorado Book Award for Young Adult Literature! I was stunned and amazed. It’s like the Oscars where you don’t know if you’ve won until that night and when they called out the book title and my name, Isat in my chair...

CLICK HERE and the Colorado Book Award

I found out that CLICK HERE is a finalist for the Colorado Book Award in young adult fiction! It’s up against books written by two of my friends–wonderful books, wonderful writers. I’m honored to be a finalist and look forward to a fun night on...


Last week our 16-year-old godson passed away unexpectedly. We are unspeakably saddened by the loss. I still can’t believe it. His family, his friends, his girlfriend and her family are all devastated and we mourn with them.