Workin’ on the Unsequel

For a variety of reasons, I’m finding it very hard to write this summer. Between working on the Fall Conference for the Rocky Mtn Chapter of SCBWI, home renovation, kid summer fun–well, let’s just say I’m not making the time like I...

FOL Out the Door!

Well, that book I wrote about on June 14, Fact of Life #31, is now in the hands of my agent, which means it will soon be in the hands of publishers…so the waiting begins. But not really because I believe in always having a project to work on that I’m...

Summer Writing Retreat and Camping

I attended the RMC-SCBWI summer retreat with author Randy Powell. I wanted to get back to the Click Here “unsequel” because I’d finished the revisions for Fact of Life #31 (FOL) and was ready to get back to it. Randy suggested a “road...

REVISION: The Agony and the Ecstasy

Those of you who are novelists reading this will probably be able to relate to the joys and sorrows of revision. In revising and rewriting my young adult novel, Fact of Life #31, I realized I had to lose a favorite scene. It was a long scene, over several pages, and I...

Travelin’…part 2

May 4 & 5 I was in PA, first in Sewickley where I had a fab author visit at the rockin’ Quaker Valley Middle School. What a welcome, what a talented group of students, faculty, and administration. When you have a principal who is also a film actor,...


Once again I’m stunned by my sporadic entries. But not really. April and May were jammed with wonderful author visits and speaking engagements and I haven’t had time for much else. In April I got to visit Merrill Middle School in Denver and had a lot of...