Halloween Parties and the Waiting Game…

We had our 12th annual Halloween Bash on Saturday. It just seems to get bigger every year but we had a blast. To catch me in my costume, check out the Scraps n Haps page. So, no word from my editor on FACT OF LIFE #31 which is actually okay because it’s nice to...

FACT OF LIFE #31 Submitted!

Gee, this writing once a month in the blog has got to go. I can’t believe it’s been that long. BIG NEWS: I dropped the manuscript for my second novel in the mail to my editor and agent. It’s titled FACT OF LIFE #31 right now. I did a happy jig as it...

Character & Plot Surprises

So, school is back in session for my kids. I’m into a good rhythm of writing, working out, yoga, and meditation. The new book is cranking so I’m really happy. One fun thing that happened last week was a minor character who plays a small role in the story...

Characters Need to Grow

Geez. I can’t believe how long it’s been since I’ve written. But then again, with my summer, I guess I can. Lots of traveling and summer hijinks. Okay, so I’m still plugging away on Novel #2, as yet untitled, though I know it will be a...


We went to Arches National Park for a long Memorial Day weekend. It was hot there and apparently cool here in Denver. I was getting a cold which was a drag–I missed the Fiery Furnace hike which was supposed to be really cool. Have you ever noticed how gorgeous...

Passing Between the Worlds

An emotional weekend. Friday night, our dear friend and fellow writer, Vickie Ferguson, passed away after a tough second battle with cancer. There was a lovely memorial service. She had many, many friends who were touched very deeply by her humor, warmth, and positive...