Feedback Procrastination!

July 27, 2017

“You can’t just turn on creativity like a faucet. You have to be in the right mood.
What mood is that? Last-minute panic.”
~ Bill Watterson

This quote cracked me up—and also resonated. I’ve been planning to go through all of my notes and feedback on the novel since we met on July 14. I’ve told my accountability buddies that for the last two weeks—“This is the week I’ll do it!” And yet I still haven’t. Why not?

The Lure of Procrastination

I’ve written and spoken a lot about procrastination. It’s an interesting beast and one that some believe is not all bad—it may actually be trying to tell you something. In a Psychology Today post, the writer lists six reasons why it might be a good thing. I won’t go into all of them right now, but I’m clinging to #4:

“Procrastination makes you more creative.”

It talks about an important task that feels daunting—YES!—and that perhaps my subconscious is actually working on it so when I attack these notes, things will just click.

Please, PLEASE be true. I might just stop procrastinating if I knew that was the case. 🙂

Fear: The Impetus Behind Procrastination

I’ve also talked and spoken a lot about fear and limiting beliefs, both of which I believe are are work here. I’m petrified that the rewrite is so huge and unwieldy that I’ll sink under its weight. And I’m trying to fight the belief that I don’t have the skill and talent to do this book justice.


Just (Don’t) Do It

Avoiding dealing with the feedback has gotten me to complete other tasks  (#1 in the post: “Active procrastination makes you get more things done”). But come Monday, I want to be able to tell my accountability buddies that I actually did something with this feedback. So now that I’ve ‘fessed up here, in public, even if no one reads it, I’m hoping I’ll now follow the nice, neat, numbered Feedback Plan I laid out in last week’s post.

I will, right after…you know. Other stuff.
