“Goals are dreams with deadlines.”

~Diana Scharf Hunt

 The new year. This one has a different feel to it, but I’m not interested in delving into the political realm here. Here, I want to focus on what a new year can mean for our careers.

Right now I’m working on a workshop I’ll present at the Regis MFA in Creative Writing residency next week. It’s called “Write Now: Tips and Tools for Overcoming Resistance & Procrastination.” Being one of many Queens of Procrastination, I enjoyed a small chuckle as I continued to put off finalizing the handout for the workshop until yesterday.  🙂

What always amazes me is how much I enjoy something once I actually start it. I had a basis for this workshop already–years ago I’d presented something like it in Colorado Springs for the RMC-SCBWI. However, there were some changes I wanted to make for this audience. Once I got into it, I got very excited about what I plan to share, what mini-exercises we can do, and the discussions that might arise.

It’s the message I need to keep telling myself.

Just write.

Just start.

Just take that first step and you’ll once again be immersed and having fun. That’s what I want 2017 to be for me and for you: A year of fun!