Today is not only the first day of spring (woohoo!)–which brings with it (for me) hope, excitement, renewal, and infinite possibilities– but it’s also the International Day of Happiness. Let’s all take this day to bring happiness to ourselves and others!

A few resources for ideas:

Live Happy Magazine

United Nations

Huffington Post

These are things I’m working to do every day of the year, but today they will have special significance.

Here’s what I plan to do:

  • Start my day with yoga and meditation
  • Smile and greet everyone I encounter while I’m out, making eye contact
  • Express my gratitude through a call, letter, text or email to at least five people
  • Hug people who I believe won’t think I’m a crazy person for hugging them (and hope I’m right – I’ve hugged strangers before with generally positive results)

Here’s what I plan to be:

  • Happy
  • Grateful
  • Loving
  • Kind
  • The best me I possibly can

Share your acts of happiness here or on Twitter #HappyActs

Or post it on the Happiness Wall and support the Big Brothers/Big Sisters Program.

P.S. Our daughter flies in from Chicago for spring break this afternoon so that makes me happy already! You can bet I’ll be wrapping my arms around her for a long time :-).