Coming up with thirty ideas was fun and challenging. I caught a cold toward the end so I missed three days, but made them up later.

Here’s what I learned or confirmed:

  • LEARNED: I can get into a flow of ideas when I brainstorm. I started with an object, character, or location and wrote anything that came to mind. Some ideas made me laugh, some made me roll my eyes, but I was amazed at how things started to flow when I let them.
  • CONFIRMED: Some ideas are just plain bad.
  • LEARNED: I can let go of my perfectionism…at least a little. I had moments of hesitation writing down ideas I didn’t think were that great, but then let it go. There were 30 squares on the calendar for goodness sake! Those bad ideas made the good ones stand out more.
  • CONFIRMED: Some ideas are good—at least initially. We’ll see which ones ignite my passion when I review them.
  • CONFIRMED: I loved seeing the calendar full of ideas! I’m just a junkie that way. Give me an empty calendar and I want to fill it–especially if it’s connected to creativity.

PiBoIdMo-FinalI will report next year on what happened with these ideas. We’ll see if any of them turned into stories and if so, if any of the stories made it to my agent and if any of those landed a contract with a publisher!

If you participated in PiBoIdMo, I’d love to hear about your experience!