Last November I decided to participate in PiBoIdMo (Picture Book Idea Month), a fun project started by author Tara Lazar. I’m going to do it again this year, but I thought I’d share what I did with my calendar of ideas.

One Completed Manuscript

One of the ideas I wrote down turned into a really fun story with two main characters. I worked on it for quite a while, revised to make it the best I could and got it to my agent. After a few more rounds of revision, she sent it out to publishers and they all eventually passed. Some gave feedback, but I was so in love with the existing version I couldn’t see it any other way. So I set it aside and worked on my YA and another picture book manuscript (from an idea I got not from my PiBoIdMo list, but from reading another picture book 🙂 ).

I finally was able to disconnect from the story enough that I was able to give it to my new picture book critique group. They gave me some fabulous feedback and I am now fired up to revise!

Three New Ideas

PiBoIdMo-FinalInterestingly, I would look at the list at least once a month and none of the ideas got me excited until recently. I identified three ideas on the calendar that I’d like to try to turn into stories. Hooray! I’ll keep you posted on those and the new ones I generate this November.

Lots of Big Intentions

This new critique group has really inspired and motivated me to keep my picture book manuscripts flowing. So my intention is to have a revised version of the two character manuscript to my agent before the end of 2015. And five to six manuscripts to her during 2016 (in addition to my YA. YES. It will get to her in 2016. Miracles do happen!)

If you did PiBoIdMo last year or are planning to this year, I’d love to hear about it!

To see my original PiBoIdMo posts, see the links below.

Picture Book Ideas-I’m Going For It! (Nov 6, 2014)

PiBoIdMo (almost) Halfway Report (Nov 13, 2014)
PiBoIdMo–the results are in! (Dec 5, 2014)