I’m still flying high from participating in NaNoWriMo, and find myself working on the book almost every day since writing every day feels more like a habit now. To keep it going, I have to continue to:



  • Create a new deadline. My next goal is to have a decent draft for my critique group by March. That means I must organize my scenes, fill in holes, and decide on one of those endings!
  • Make time for writing. To meet my new deadline, writing must continue to be a priority or it gets shoved to the “later” list which often means the “way later” list, with days or weeks going by before I write again and by then, lots of momentum is lost.
  • Remind myself of the power of speed. If I’m adding a new scene to a new draft, I’m just writing it, not worried about how it sounds yet. Lots of freedom in just getting it down.
  • Think about the novel. I’m still noodling on some details and thinking about it keeps the excitement alive.

What do you do to keep your momentum after a first draft? What goes into your second draft? What do you focus on? I’d love more tips since this is the first time I’ve actually written a novel this way–with a very rough first draft all the way through. Sounds crazy, I know, but it’s true!