FOL Out the Door!

Well, that book I wrote about on June 14, Fact of Life #31, is now in the hands of my agent, which means it will soon be in the hands of publishers…so the waiting begins. But not really because I believe in always having a project to work on that I’m...

The “Unsequel”

I’ve started a second book about Erin and her group from CLICK HERE. I’m trying not to call it a sequel because it will totally stand on its own and you won’t have had to read CLICK HERE to enjoy this one, and also because there will be a big gap in...

Lemons into Lemonade

Happy New Year! Prospero Año. We spent a lovely, quiet time at home for New Year’s Eve, watched the ball drop in Times Square, then watched the Twilight Zone marathon. Doesn’t get much better than that. I’m looking forward to a rockin’ new year...

Halloween Parties and the Waiting Game…

We had our 12th annual Halloween Bash on Saturday. It just seems to get bigger every year but we had a blast. To catch me in my costume, check out the Scraps n Haps page. So, no word from my editor on FACT OF LIFE #31 which is actually okay because it’s nice to...

Character & Plot Surprises

So, school is back in session for my kids. I’m into a good rhythm of writing, working out, yoga, and meditation. The new book is cranking so I’m really happy. One fun thing that happened last week was a minor character who plays a small role in the story...